About us

So, what is the story behind Hajjandumrah.info?

Unexplainable unless you experienced it by yourself! It is just overwhelming – the greatest trip on earth – The journey of a life time.” These are only a few echoes of millions of Muslims on earth who had the privilege to experience Hajj at least once in their life time. Hajj is the only act of worship in Islam which involves both physical and financial scarifies; and it requires an extensive level of physical, mental and spiritual preparations to perform all rituals from beginning to end. Probably, due to the grand nature of this worship, Allah has commanded Muslims (upon whom this worship is obligatory) to perform Hajj only once in their life time. Obviously one can do more than once if they wish to, but the requirement by the shari’ah is once. After the first one, the rest are counted as voluntary. Therefore, the first one carries more weight than the rest.

The journey which needs most planning, preparations and provisions to take with compared to any other journey on the face of the earth; it is not irony that scores of people set out to this expedition (Hajj) with bare minimum preparation or no preparation at all. As such they encounter many problems, and make some serious mistakes often due to lack of knowledge. Some of these mistakes are so grave which may in validate one’s Hajj. Instead of getting reward one can earn sin. For example, in one occasion, we have come across people entered Jeddah Airport without entering into the state of Ihram (ritual consecration). This was not only a breach of obligatory requirement of Hajj that one must enter into Ihram before crossing the miqat, but more importantly they were not even in realisation that they made a mistake, and this mistake needed to be rectified in a certain way.

While, in another context a person has realised that he made a mistake in his ritual performance, but he has no clue as to how to rectify this mistake and where to seek help from. These are only a few examples of typical problems that people encounter during Hajj, with most of these are nothing but due to lack of preparation before going to Hajj.

Nowadays substantial amount of resources are available online and in print media on Hajj and ‘Umrah. Also, various community centres and mosques run Hajj seminars for potential pilgrims especially before Hajj. However, a vast majority of the people are unaware of these Hajj seminars and the availability of resources; therefore, they do not access information that are vital for their preparations. Sometime where information is available, the authenticity and quality of such material is also questionable especially unreferenced Hajj and Umrah guides that one can find in the market. This makes life more difficult for a general person to assess what is true or false and what to follow.

Another facet of the problem is that every year there is always one or two odd stories in the media related to Hajj fraud – ‘somewhere in the world, a group of devoted pilgrims have been victim of Hajj fraud – rouge agent ran way with money.’ Many good websites talk about as to what measurement to take to prevent fraud. However, there is a general tendency within the community to use word of mouth referral when making a booking for Hajj and Umrah packages. This type of decision-making process is generally turns out to be right, except few incidents that we hear in the media. Nevertheless, it is certainly not wise just to rely on word of mouth and avoid safety checks that are available to assess if an agent is genuine or not.

The motivation for creating this website arises from personal and shared experiences of Hajj and Umrah. Despite the wealth of resources available, there is no single, comprehensive source for pilgrims to access all the necessary information. The primary goal is to emphasize the importance of thorough preparation for this significant journey and to offer a one-stop platform for both practical and spiritual guidance.

The main purpose of this website is to promote the importance of preparations among Muslims who are thinking of embarking on this journey of their life time and also provide them with a central platform where they can find information on practical elements of preparation such as ticket, visa, accommodation and also the spiritual preparations, such as, how to perform Hajj or Umrah and so forth, so that a pilgrim can take best possible preparation.

Finally, no matter how much preparation one takes beforehand and how much money you spend on packages, be prepared to expect unexpected – throughout the journey your patience will be tested. Please bear in mind that Hajj is not easy. There must be a reason for why Allah has left this act of worship very challenging. Allah (SWT) could have made this very easy. Only Allah knows best.

So, what is Hajjandumrah.info about?

Hajjandumrah.info is a website dedicated to serving Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. The website was created to address the challenges faced by individuals preparing for these important religious journeys. The major aspect of this site is to provide authentic information from Qur’an and Hadith regarding actual rituals of Hajj and ‘Umrah.

The use of Hajjandumrah.info site is absolutely free. Anyone can browse and search the site at any time. We don’t even ask a user to register/sign up to use the site. The only time we may ask for your details if you are interested to receive our newsletter, articles or future deals or you want us to contact you if you have any queries. When a pilgrim finds a package, we link them through directly to Hajj and ‘Umrah package sellers.

Is Hajjandumrah.info non-biased?

People often ask us whether the information provided on Hajjandumrah.info is impartial. At this juncture, we can firmly state that we do not sell any packages nor we have any affiliation with individual package seller.

With regard to educational information on the site we ensure that only authentic and referenced based materials are uploaded. We are also not loyal to any individual Islamic school of thoughts. Therefore, you may find information including difference of opinion on a subject matter.

However, it is also important to make it clear that for legal reasons we have commercial arrangements with agents to display their information on our site.

Do we have any financial objectives?

However, for legal reasons, the website has commercial agreements with individual agents to display their information on the site. While the use of the website is free for users, the project does have financial objectives, primarily through income generation from listing and commercial advertisement services on the site.