Recently added questions
Question: I find difficult to keep wudhu, please tell me what can I do in this situation?
Answer: To perform salah and tawaf, wudhu is compulsory. However, if this is a persistent medical condition for which you find difficult to keep your wudhu, then there is flexibility within our religion for people like you. In such situation, you are required to perform separate wudhu for every prayer, for example, wudhu for Dhuhr prayer, wudhu for Asr prayer and so forth. With each wudhu, you are allowed to perform all payers within this designated time. For example with Dhuhr prayer wudhu, you can perform any prayer in this time including Dhuhr salah or any nafl prayer until next salah time [‘Asr time]. When ‘Asr time starts, you can make a new wudhu and pray all salah until Maghrib time and so forth.
Question: A woman who does not have a mahram, is she obliged to perform hajj?
No, she is not obliged to perform hajj. This is because a mahram, with respect to her, is part of the necessary aspects of having the means to perform hajj. Having the means is one of the conditions for the obligatory nature of hajj. It is not allowed for her to travel for hajj or otherwise without her husband or a mahram.
Reported by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (PBUH) said “It is forbidden for any woman who has faith in Allah and the Day of Judgement to undertake the distance of a day or more without being accompanied by a mahram” (Bukhari: 1088, Muslim: 1339 & Ahmad: 2/420). It is evident from this hadith that the ruling of mahram applies to all sort of travelling including hajj and ‘umrah.
A man cannot be alone with a woman unless in the presence of a mahram of hers. And a woman does not travel except along with a mahram.
In another occasion a man said: “O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) my wife has left to make the hajj and I have enlisted for such and such expedition.” He said, “Go and make Hajj with your wife.”
Allah knows best.
Question: Is it possible to give the poor the amount of money enough for hajj instead of going to hajj?
Answer: A person has to perform hajj if it is obligatory upon him or her. Giving the poor the amount of money instead going to hajj, does not eliminate that obligation. Therefore, a person who gives the poor the amount of money for hajj is not regarded to have performed the hajj.
Question: Is it appropriate to go to hajj by borrowing money?
Answer: In order to be obliged to go to hajj, a Muslim must be healthy and wealthy, free, sane and have reached the age of puberty. Therefore, a person who is not wealthy enough does not have to go to hajj; however, if a person goes to hajj by borrowing money, his hajj is valid and he becomes free of the obligation of going to hajj.
Question: When do we start and stop reciting talbiyah?
Answer: One should start reciting talbiyah after making intention for hajj and read as many times as you can. Talbiyah is stopped just before performing tawaf.
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Frequently asked questions
Question: Are pilgrims (Hajjis) required to give qurbani (slaughter animal)?
Answer: If someone makes an intention to perform Qiran and Tammattu Hajj, then he or she is required to sacrifice an animal (give Qurbani).
Question: During ihram can a woman tie plait on her hair?
Answer: A woman is allowed to tie plait on her hair as long as she does not do this exposing her hair in front of non-muhram(s).
Question: Is there any sa’i after Tawaf-al- Widaa (Farewell Tawaf)?
Answer: No, there is no sa’i after the Tawaf-al-Widaa.
Question: Having financial ability is one of the criteria for hajj to be obligatory upon a Muslim. However, in Muslim society generally men are wage earner and women aren’t. In such situation what are the conditions for hajj to be obligatory upon a woman? Conversely, if the husband is rich and he has abundant money, but he is not taking his wife to hajj, will the husband be a sinner?
Answer: Yes, having the financial ability is one of the fundamental criteria for hajj to be obligatory upon a Muslim – whether this Muslim is a man or woman, it does not matter. A person with financial ability has no choice but to go to hajj. If this person dies before performing hajj, he or she will be a sinner. On the contrary a person who has no financial means to pay for hajj, there is no sin upon him or her for not performing hajj.
Now consider the situation from a different perspective – if Allah made hajj obligatory upon every Muslim regardless of the person’s financial ability to go to hajj, certainly it would have been a big burden on poorer people. But Allah is just, kind and merciful. He knows what is good for human being. Allah did not make hajj obligatory on all Muslims. Does this mean only rich will get the reward for hajj and not the poor? Now notice this hadith narrated by Abu Huraira: Some poor people came to the Prophet and said, “The wealthy people will get higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment and they pray like us and fast as we do. They have more money by which they perform the Hajj, and ‘Umra; fight and struggle in Allah’s Cause and give in charity.” The Prophet said, “Shall I not tell you a thing upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would overtake you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same. Say, “Subhan Allah”, “Alhamdulillah” and “Allahu Akbar” thirty-three times each after every (compulsory) prayer.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 12: 804)
Coming to your question whether a rich husband will be a sinner if he does not take his wife to hajj with his money? Strictly speaking the answer is no. He will have no sin for this. However, this attitude and decision to not to take the wife to hajj despite having financial means, will not certainly be wise towards building and maintaining a happy family. As such, we will certainly advise any Muslim man with financial ability, to think the broader aspect of Islam. In Islam, the family is not a mere means of satisfying animal instincts, nor is a family’s home merely an abode for sleep. In fact, it represents an educational environment both for spiritual growth and intellectual development. It is a place where mutual and noble sentiment particularly between husband and wife and among other members of the family is nurtured to create a healthy community.
Question: I am expecting my menstruation to start en route during the flight from London to Jeddah and it is expected to last for 5 days. As such I will not be able to perform ‘umrah. In this circumstance, for which type of hajj I should make intention for?
Answer: It depends on your itinerary. If you arrive in Makkah and you have enough time to be purified from menstruation before starting hajj on the on 8th Dhul-hijja, then make intention [before crossing the miqat boundary] for Tammattu hajj. Upon arriving in Makkah, once you are purified, undertake cleansing rituals and perform ‘umrah.
However, if you have no chance of being purified before hajj, then carry on with hajj – recite talbiyah, go to Mina for encampment, standing in Arafat, spending the night in Muzdalifa and throwing pebbles at jamarat except hajj tawaf (Tawaf Ifada) only if you are not purified by then. If you are purified from menstruation then perform hajj tawaf (Tawaf Ifada). Once your hajj completed, you can go to a place called Tanim and come back with a niyah for ‘umrah. This was the case for Umm al-Mu’mineen ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) (Sahih al-Bukhari 1762).
For more details about the issue of menstruation, please see section ‘Hajj of a Woman’.