Getting ready for hajj
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Peace and blessings upon His Prophet Muhammad.
To begin, it is very important to be clear that for any prayer or action including Hajj to be accepted by Allah (SWT), it is fundamental that the prayer or action is based on pure Ikhlas, i.e. the prayer or action is solely for Allah. No other deity is part of this prayer. The sincerity towards Allah is a must prerequisite for the acceptance of one’s worship. No matter how big or small the prayer is, a Muslim, all the time, must make conscious effort to keep his or her heart clean from all form of shirks (associations with Allah). So when going to Hajj, we must make sure that no showing off feeling is in our heart. Showing off invalidates good deeds and brings punishment.
The second precondition for any worship to be accepted by Allah is that the action or ritual has to be in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever does any action that is not in accordance with this matter of ours, will have it rejected,” Narrated by Muslim ( Book 18, Hadith 1647). Therefore, it is obligatory upon us to learn and apply all the rulings of Hajj and Umrah according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Unfortunately many Muslim men and women do not pay enough attention to this and turn up to Makkah without any preparation.

Spiritual Preparation
Attain knowledge before travelling
Pay debts if you have any
Return goods if you have custody
Write a will

Make the most
Before leaving home
During the journey
Taking care of fellow pilgrims
Waiting time until hajj

Hajj rites
Obligatory actions of hajj
Which type of hajj to choose?
How to make hajj intention?

Madinah visit
Introduction to Madinah
Visiting Prophet’s mosque
Peforming salah at Raudahtul Jannah
Etiquette of visiting Prophet’s grave

Hajj plus
FAQs on hajj and ‘umrah
Du’a for hajj and ‘umrah
How to perform Janaza salah?
Hajj and ‘umrah glossary

After returning from hajj
When to seek medical help?
The ‘Haji-Saab’ culture
Signs of hajj acceptance
How to retain your achievements?