Common misconceptions about hajj and ‘umrah

There are many misconceptions within the community about hajj. Some of which are briefly discussed below. Many misconceptions are because of hearsay. There is no basis of such views in the Quran or Hadith. Unfortunately many people blindly believe and follow these actions.

Misconceptions Correct Opinion
  • If someone only performs ‘umrah anytime time during the year, then he or she must perform hajj in the same year?
  • If one performs ‘umrah during hajj months, then he or she must perform hajj in the same year?
  • A person is not allowed to perform ‘umrah in the hajj months if he or she does not intend to perform hajj as well?
There is no reference or instruction in the Quran or in Hadith about this.
  • One should not go to hajj without getting their marriage-aged children married.
There is no such reference in the Qur’an or in Hadith about this.
  • If someone has financial debts, he or she should not go to Hajj.
Having financial ability is a fundamental requirement to qualify for hajj. If a person does not have sufficient money left after spending on basic needs, then the hajj is not obligatory upon him or her. However, if someone has a long-term debt commitment, for example, one may have borrowed large amount of money from friend and relatives or any other source to buy a house or to do business and for which he or she has made an agreement with the debtors to pay in instalments over a period of time, and he or she is making payments according to the agreement – in such situation a Muslim should not delay his or her hajj. Because in the future you might not be physically able to perform hajj.
  • Reward for praying one nafl salah at Al-Masjid an-Nabawi is equal to performing 50,000 salah in other places.
The correct opinion is the reward for praying salah at Al-Masjid an-Nabawi is equal to performing 1000 salah. Narrated: Abu Huraira that Allah's Messenger (SAW) said, "A salah in this, my mosque is better than a thousand in any other except themasjid al-Haram." [Ahmed 7257, Bukhari 11901, Muslim 1394, Nisai 2899, Ibn e Majah 1464, Tirmidhi 325 ]